Eddy current  &  Magnetic separators

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Brochure 2010

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(5.0 MB)


Visit our New site WWW.COGELME.IT

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The fairs


We have been participating for all the last years at "ECOMONDO" the fair on the recycling solutions which takes place annually in Rimini and now has become a fixed appointment for having the opportunity to have a look on our products and on all news we have made.

Our Stand in Ecomondo


COGELME has also successfully exposed in:


"K 2007" Dusseldorf (D)


"IFAT 2008" Monaco (D)


"ENTSORGA 2009" Koln (D)




RECYCLING International - n.4 - 2007


SOLID WASTE Magazine - n.3 - 2007


AMBIENTE - n.2 - March 2005


INQUINAMENTO - n.86 - October 2006


INQUINAMENTO - n.65 - November 2004


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Resta inteso che il materiale che compare sul sito è di esclusiva proprietà della Cogelme S.a.s. di Tortona (AL).
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Special Deal, Used Machines, Ready Machines, Renewed Machines

Occasioni, Usato, Pronta Consegna, Macchine Rigenerate



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