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COMPANY Harder, better, faster, stronger. Cogelme engineers and produces durable and high-performing equipment for recycling industries. Our engineers share with you the best knowledge and extensive experience presenting custom-designed systems to optimize your waste processing operations and enhance profitability. Cogelme gives high importance for reliable, durable, perfect quality products and competitive pricing to maintain the best cost-performance ratio in the industry. Our young spirit and energetic management team creates and builds lasting partnership based on superior client relationships. Cogelme has designed and installed many successful individualized systems and plants according specific clients needs in: Argentina, Austria, Bahrein, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, England, Irland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Polamd, Portugal, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, U.S.A., ecc.
HISTORY - since 1931 - 3rd generation Our birth was not from great things, but from small things with great love. Cogelme company’s birth was encoded already in the 30-ties, when the father of nowadays Cogelme owner – great engineer Carlo Fiorito Fezia – was inventing and constructing a lot of electrical appliances for the household and industry. His job was recognized and evaluated by those times engineers. In early 60-ties the son of the engineer, Luigi – very enlightened and involved in science person - has continued the fathers researches and has made a lot of great works in constructing electric motors, current transformers, electrical equipment, electromagnetic tape dividers (Overbelt), electromagnetic pulleys and drums for the glass
production industry. It is important to mention that by some clients these machines are used until nowadays. In 1992 reacting in the fast development of the recycling in Italy, the company has chosen Cogelme name and has fully immersed in the science of recycling machines. Till now the company is growing and going forward together with the technological achievements, always proposing new solutions for the materials recycling.
SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT Closed knowledge can’t move the world forward, so we are glad to share them. Cogelme willingly participates in the social contribution and science projects. Company’s owner was invited to give some lectures in the technical Univerisity. Cogelme machine you can find in the museum of the Environment in Torino, which is specified in the most important techniques for the recycling. The museum manager shared his happiness with us for the increasing interest in the museum every year. In the 2006 Cogelme has built a little recycling plant for the main important Italian Scientific Institution of Researching. Also in the last year Cogelme has received a recognition from the Rimini “Ecomondo” exhibition as an important expositor.
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